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1.  What is a role-playing game?


A table top role-playing game is played with pencils, paper and your imagination.  You play it with friends, for real, together at a table!  Other famous RPGs include Dungeons & DragonsShadowrunTraveller, and Call of Cthulhu.


2.  What is Honour all about?


Honour is about living in the big city, discovering a hidden world of monsters and magic and realising that nothing is ever as simple as it might seem!  In Honour you get to be anything you want to be and then you get to solve crimes or commit crimes, fight against demons or hook up with demons, master technology or master sorcery.  Oh and it has tea, martial arts and guns too.Honour 


2.  Are all characters supposed to 'Asyan' since the game is set in 'Asya'? I really need to know this one so I can come up with a name for my character.


No, characters can be from anywhere, Heung Gong is a melting pot, every nationality represented. 


3.  There are some different values for some of the combat skills:

Sanshou = beginning value of 0/+10 on page 116 & a value of -5/+5 on page 140

Semi-Auto Pistol = beginning value of 0/+20 on page 140 & a value of -2/+20 on page 176


Definitive values are those on page 116 and on pp172-176.  All of these are the values that a PC acquires on achieving LEVEL0 in that martial art/weapon.


4.  Are we supposed to use the charmed/demon bloodlines chart on page 63?


You don't have to use it. The book makes reference to "That One Thing" which allows you to make up something in background of a character which then gives a unique or unusual bonus.  The charmed/demon bloodlines are one simple option for "That One Thing".



5.  I'm having a hard time understanding the combat chart on page 135, how do I read it?


You read across from the left hand column choosing the row which represents your combat choice.  You cross-reference it with the column that matches your opponents combat choice.  The resultant modifier is applied to your roll.


6.  On pages 136-137 it gives an example fight between Lars & Dani. I can't see how (on the 2nd part of the battle, where Lars goes for a Controlled Attack and Dani decides to Wait 'n See) how Lars gets a -4 modifier and how Dani gets a +2 modifier using the chart.


This is an error from an earlier version of the text.  Please see the errata sheet available free HERE.


7.  How does money/possessions work? I mean, how do I know how much money my character has? And how much does stuff cost?


When I was writing Honour I was determined that players shouldn't be tied down with details like the cost of living.  However, several people have said, "How much cash do I have and what can I buy?"


I still don't want to end up with people tracking money and lists of items with costs.  So, we have created a simple, unique system that is also available for free HERE.


8.  The chart on page 59 mentions a "maximum number of skills" a character can have according to their Aspect score. But then I don't see any other mention of a maximum number. So I just went ahead and used whatever skills I wanted to according to the Pathway rules (i.e: 3 skills for the first 3-year term of a Pathway, 3 skills for the next term, etc.)


There is a maximum skill LEVEL of 10 and there is also a limit on levels from a particular Aspect.  So if your character has a MStr 14 they could only have MStr skill levels totalling 14, e.g.


Knowledge Drugs 7

Knowledge Legal 7




Knowledge Drugs 10

Knowledge Legal 4


9.  I started with a 32 year old character with 2 different pathways. Is that okay? Should I have our starting character younger and with fewer skills?


It is really up to you and your GM to decide what sort of charcters to start with.  Honour is NOT about creating a young inexperienced character and climbing up thtrough levels (this is a mechanic used in D&D for example).  Honour lays responsibility for the character you play with you.  It is like being the author of a novel, you create a protagonist that you think will give you the best chance to create a great story.  You can't win, and often the weaker, more flawed charcter is the more interesting to play.


We really wanted the player to have control.  Make a PC who changes jobs every year if you want to (remembering that you start at Level 1 each time you start a new career) or stick with one career until you get to the highest rank possible, it's your choice.


Regarding careers, we especially wanted people to be able to mix legitimate and illegitimate careers, just like in real life.  Most criminals have a legit side to things, in fact most are legit to begin with!


10.  Can the game-master allow a player to create original skills, for example, a general skill called "Handyman"? The idea would be that a character would be capable of figuring out how to patch-up a simple machine/item until it could be fixed by an actual mechanic/electrical expert/craftsman.


Absolutely.  Honour encourages player to add to the exisiting canon.  We want more Pathways, more Skills, more sorcery and more tech!  Remember that anything you create does need to be ok'd by the GM.


11.  I'm not sure how to read the Adding New Skills or Spells chart on page 121. I understand that in order to add a level 0 skill under Cinematic Escapism you have to spend 1qp. But then to raise it to level 1 you have 2(3) and I don't know what the number in parenthesis means.


The number in parenthesis is the total you would have to pay if you wanted that skill at that level right there and then, starting from zero.  The first number is the cost to step up from the previous level to the next.


12.  On page 126 the chart for "Consequences of the degree of success or failure" it shows that there is "Negative balances have no impact on QPs". But then on the next page it gives an example where Kate's character loses 6qp for failing a Task Resolution.


This is another issue which is addressed on the errata sheet available HERE.  Alternatively you could get the Core Rules revised PDF, also available HEREThis 



13.  With Skills you are supposed to get no modifier for a 0 level, +1 for 1st level, +2 for 2nd level, etc. But on the example Character Sheet for Kavisha on page 68, it doesn't show the modifiers working that way. She has 2nd level Diagnosis and shows +2 as the modifier but on Knowledge Drugs skill she has 0 level, but has a +2 modifier. So, I'm not sure how that works...


Each action a charcater takes is modified by their Aspect modifier AND their skill level.  On the character sheet Kavisha has the skill, Diagnosis at level 2, she also has a MStrMod+2 which is applied to any Diagnosis roll she makes because Diagnosis falls under the Mental Strength Aspect.  This leaves her a modifier of +4.


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© 2015 by Dom Parry Proudly created with

Last updated Dec 2017

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