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The Nine Dragons Team

Full-Time Dragons

There are now four full-time Dragons in the cave.  They are:


Dom Parry

Owner, Founder, Writer, Designer and Dreamer

Hong Kong

I've been RPG crazy for a long time, ever since I got my hands on the now legendary Frank Mentzer "Red Box".  That was 1983, if memory serves.  Anyway I'm a Third Culture kid (47 year old kid) who holds a British passport, speaks with a very middle-class & indeterminate English accent, has lived in HK for 37 years, is married to a scouser, loves Liverpool Football Club, Led Zepp, Bowie, The Dandy Warhols and sings in a band.  Oh, and I teach too. Also, I'm a legal Minister of the First Church of Atheism, so I can perform weddings and funerals if anyone needs someone for that!


Special Power:  Super Snooze - Dom can fall into a deep and noisy sleep anytime, anywhere.





Mike Dukes

Director of Art, Creature Designer and Positivity




Special Power:  Quick Draw! - Mike is notoriously fast on the draw, the sharpest sketcher in town, they don't call him "done & Dusted Dukes" for nothing (he pays them a monthly subscription to call him that).  Seriously though, once he created a full-colour image of a Cheerleader wielding a Chainsaw whilst riding the Kraken in about 10 minutes; how Mike ever got onto the Kraken remains a mystery to this day!



Vishal Nanda

World Builder, Designer, Writer, Promotions and Poetry

Hong Kong


Special Power:  Poetry Slam - Trained in the ancient martial arts of "Mouthing Off", "Being Gobby" and "Doing Poems Which Don't Even Rhyme" means that The Vish is one street fighter you don't want to tangle with.  This boy will unleash his free verse, post-modern and transgressive word on "yo ass" as soon as look at you.  Hell, he's even been known to pull a little alienation on a brother, if the circumstance called for it!





Guy Larke

Combat Design Specialist, Writer, Designer and Security

South Korea

I'm Guy. I am originally from Canada, but have spent almost 17 years in South Korea. I am a self-professed martial art, novel, comic and game geek. I teach martial arts here (bizarre I know) in addition to writing for various martial arts magazines and studying/ researching as much as possible. I have also trained in Japan, the Philippines and Malaysia.  I really am a martial arts geek!  My gaming addiction started in '81 with AD&D and many systems later I am here as part of Nine Dragons.


Special Power:  Handles all things with crunchy combat and looks cool doing it.

Occasional Dragons

As well as the full-time crew, Nine Dragons depends heavily on some very talented (and reasonably priced) freelancers/privateers.  Those most excellent people are:


Amelia Sarif - Writer & Japan expert.

  • Nihon & the City of Edo.



Rachel Lapidow - Copy editor, voracious reader, a buyer of beads, and a lover of chocolates. Would like to think I'm funny, know that I'm easily startled.

  • The Wedding Banquet.

  • Honour 2nd Edition Development



Kemi - 3D Sculptor & Design Genius!



John Easly - US Rep, Convention GM & Play-tester.

  • GenCon2017 Official GM and Rep

  • First Honour GM



Sammy Soza - Layout, Art & Graphics.

  • Combat Cards

  • Nihon & the City of Edo

  • Honour Cover



Mel Goody - Editor.

  • Honour 2nd Edition


Tracy Sanders - US support operative.

  • Original Honour player




© 2015 by Dom Parry Proudly created with

Last updated Dec 2017

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