The Circlestone Injustice Episode 17 - Bad News, Good Vibrations and Questionable Questioning
“War does not determine who is right - only who is left.” - Bertrand Russell 28 Elient, The Orc Slavers’ Camp and Halv Having overcome...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 16- Orcs and a Face from Home
“If there are Orcs there, it may prove ill for us, that is true.” - Gandalf the Grey. 28 Elient, Halv and the Orc Slavers’ Camp The...

Gaol Break! Now, run away!
“If you want to get to know who your friends are, get yourself a gaol sentence." - Charles Bukowski 24-27 Elient, Luskan Remy is...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 14: After Hours
“Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night." - Rupert Brooke 22 - 23 Elient, Luskan The Stoners, having spent the best part of...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 13: Anything you can do, Luskan do better!
“...believe none of what you hear and half of what you see ..." - Leon Haywood 22 Elient, Luskan A tired and weary group finally arrives...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 12: On the Road Again
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” George A. Moore 20-22 Elient, House Stanipavel and...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 11: What’s a nice corpse like you doing in a place like this?
“Corpses sour you. They are bad for objectivity.” ― Bertolt Brecht 20 Elient, the Red Room As Maena prepared to interrogate the corpse...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 10: Distant Spheres
“I think our lives are surely but the dreams Of spirits, dwelling in the distant spheres, Who as we die, do one by one awake.” ―...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 8 and 9: The Queen is dead and meat is murder but a red glow from
18 Elient, The Stanipavel Range and the Ankheg Lair The "war party" moves out, the Stanipavel team consisting of Tagen, his three sons...

The Circlestone Injustice Episode 7: Technology, dice and news from the North
18 Elient, The Manor House of the Stanipavel Family Having waved Anahita and Connor off on their tour of the dairy and animal hospital,...