The Circlestone Injustice, Episode 3: Â Hey, that guy looks a lot like Kevin Bacon!
17 Elient, at the camp of Yysaril Shiningdawn Fairway Goldenhair... As the female followers of Izzy prepare the tent for the arrival of...

The Circlestone Injustice, episode 2.
Episode 2: A Swift Spiritual Blow to the Breadbasket 12 Elient, the wee, small hours ... Our heroes take the opportunity to question...

The Circlestone Injustice, Delve Edition, Anahita's trip to Port Llast
While her fellow 'Stoners complete the town business in Neverwinter, Anahita travels north to Port Llast. ​Following a lead​ from her...

The Circlestone Injustice, episode 1
On Saturday I started a game of D&D 5e with some interesting TTRPG industry folk. Ian Price and Stephen Mattson are both developers who...